Bid as Salient CRGT

GovCIO, formerly Salient CRGT, optimizes contract performance with disciplined program management, cost-effective rates, and scalable resources to effectively execute our Oasis Unrestricted Contract, Pool 1, task orders.

Oasis logo. Related to: oasis unrestricted contract.

Overview of GSA OASIS Program

OASIS is designed to support all mission spaces of the U.S. federal government, including government organizations focused on Protection and Defense, Quality of Life, Commerce, and Natural Resources.

OASIS has a period of performance of five years, with one (five-year) option that may extend the cumulative term of the contract to 10 years. We are excited to add OASIS Pool 1 to our portfolio of contract vehicles. This award enables GovCIO, formerly Salient CRGT, to continue to execute its growth strategy and deliver critical technologies and advance capabilities to help address government challenges.

GovCIO (formerly Salient CRGT) PMO Team

The PMO Team has extensive experience managing and responding to multiple IDIQ contract vehicles. For more information, please contact Barbara J. Ivory, Contracts Manager (COCM) at [email protected] or call 703.891.8356. The Program Manager (COPM), Trudy Duncan-Rayburn at [email protected]

Using OASIS- Contract Information

Contract Number

UEI Number

Cage Number

OASIS Conformed Contract