GovCIO Celebrates Holiday Traditions
Happy Holidays from GovCIO!
GovCIO is proud of the diverse and inclusive community we’ve created. In the spirit of the holidays, we’ve asked GovCIO employees to share a few of their holiday traditions, both new and old! Here are a few ways our team celebrates the season.
Wreaths Across America with Jim Brabston
Jim Brabston, GovCIO CEO, shares his family’s experience participating in Wreaths Across America, a nationwide annual event. Discover more about this fantastic tradition and how it’s a great opportunity to honor our country’s veterans while kicking off the holiday season.

Jasmine Taylor
Jasmine Taylor, GovCIO Communications Analyst, shares how her family “falls” into the holiday season each year.
Each year someone in my family accidentally slips down the steps in the days leading up to Christmas.
It started with me, sleepily making my way down the stairs to our living room which had been (secretly) decorated with lights while I was napping. We had just moved into our house, and I suppose the excitement of the surprise – literally – knocked me off my feet! I slid down the steps like bases were loaded and it was the bottom of the 9th inning. My husband dropped to his knees, practically convulsing with laughter. Little did he know, he was next. Two days later, he too, slipped down the steps like a Bugs Bunny on a banana peel.
Now it seems to happen, coincidentally, every year. No one has been safe. My husband, stepdaughter, and me and have all gone bump bump bump in the night right down the stairs. One year of note was after we got our dog, Sam. My husband was gingerly carrying him down the stairs the week of Christmas and SLIPUP. Needless to say, Sam was officially inducted into the family that day.
Luckily, no one has been hurt or injured in all our years of unintended stair sliding shenanigans. However, it happens so often now we jokingly refer to it as a Marshall family Christmas tradition.
Kristen Barker
Kristen Barker, GovCIO Contract Associate, shares how family games help ring in the holidays.
Every holiday season and family gathering, we play a version of “Jeopardy” that is created by my son. He started creating these customized games in 2017 when he was 12 years old and it has since become a fun family tradition that everybody looks forward to.
'Tis the Season to Share Your Holiday Traditions

Renita Thompson
Renita Thompson, GovCIO Technical Recruiter, shares how all the “little things” make all the difference when celebrating the holidays. Hot cocoa, family gatherings, matching pajamas, and karaoke are what make this time of year so special.

Brett Hack
Brett Hack, GovCIO Multimedia Specialist, celebrates the holidays living by the motto, “the more the merrier!”. Big family & friend gatherings and delicious food are quintessential to the holiday season.
Tara Thompson
Tara Thompson, GovCIO Technical Trainer, shares how her childhood traditions have helped shape her family’s holiday festivities.
Each year growing up, my mom would have my four siblings and I create Christmas ornaments for the tree. Now, as an adult, we have continued this tradition as best as possible. That is a LOT of accumulated ornaments over the past thirty years!